
We will use this page to share provocations, tips, tutorials and advice all with the aim of helping you shape and develop your writing practice. Each resource approaches things from their writers own perspective – so take from each one what you like!

Writing resources

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- Eve Leigh on writing interactive writing

It is important that we bring compassion and understanding to the situation we find ourselves in. This continues to be a tremendously difficult time for…

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- WEEK 6- SWAMP MOTEL Co-Founders and Creative Directors Clem Garritty & Ollie Jones

It is important that we bring compassion and understanding to the situation we find ourselves in. This continues to be a tremendously difficult time for…

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- WEEK 5 Amanda Dalton on Adaptation

It is important that we bring compassion and understanding to the situation we find ourselves in. This continues to be a tremendously difficult time for…

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- WEEK 4 Sonia Jalaly on Devising

Writing a play takes huge dedication. It takes time, head-space, leaps of imagination plus vision, bravery, commitment, compassionate enquiry beyond your immediate experience and perhaps…

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- WEEK 3- James Fritz on how to write an audio drama (sort of)

Writing a play takes huge dedication. It takes time, head-space, leaps of imagination plus vision, bravery, commitment, compassionate enquiry beyond your immediate experience and perhaps…

TOOLKIT SERIES 2- WEEK 2 Chinonyerem Odimba on Not Writing

Writing a play takes huge dedication. It takes time, head-space, leaps of imagination plus vision, bravery, commitment, compassionate enquiry beyond your immediate experience and perhaps…

Toolkit Series 2- Introduction by Dramaturg Suzanne Bell

The Bruntwood Prize exists to support anyone who wants to write for the stage. This website- is full of free workshops and advice from…

REPOST: The Bruntwood Prize Toolkit round up

During this public health emergency, the safety and wellbeing of our staff, artists, audiences and families comes first. We have been exploring ways in which…