
We will use this page to share provocations, tips, tutorials and advice all with the aim of helping you shape and develop your writing practice. Each resource approaches things from their writers own perspective – so take from each one what you like!

Writing resources

Get to know… 4 writers discuss what Create Your Own Stage means to them…

We caught up with Anna Jordan, Kate O’Reilly, Chris Thorpe and Chris Urch to discuss the process of writing and what Create Your Own Stage…

10 TRAITS IN 10 YEARS by Duska Radosavljevic

Theatre-Making in the 21st Century – Duška Radosavljević on the changing face on contemporary theatre-making. 1. Education and Training – It is symptomatic that artists who…

Create your own stage – what does this mean?

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Prize, Bruntwood and the Royal Exchange Theatre have commissioned the acclaimed photographer Simon Annand to photograph a selection…

Adventure Time by Stewart Pringle

In the fourth in our series of pieces to mark the opening for entries of this year’s Bruntwood Prize, Stewart Pringle discusses magic boxes and…

Finding the Words by Catherine Love

In the third in a series of pieces to mark the opening for entries of this year’s Bruntwood Prize, Catherine Love discusses the reasons why…

A Small, Never-Ending Culture War by Andrew Haydon

In the first in a series of pieces to mark the opening for entries of this year’s Bruntwood Prize, Andrew Haydon discusses the theatre that…

Provocations, tips & tutorials – with Simon Stephens

We are really excited to bring you a series of tutorials by different writers to help you with your script and shape your writing practice. Our…

Provocations, tips & tutorials – with Duncan Macmillan

We are really excited to bring you a series of tutorials by different writers to help you with your script and shape your writing practice….