Three Birds
Janice Okoh

At first, I wouldn’t have thought anyone was in. Your curtains. The way you have them drawn. You always keep them like that?

Tiana’s in charge at home. She’s got to look after brother Tionne and little sister Tanika. As they negotiate school and cooking at home, something strange is going on. Their mother has gone and Tionne’s experiments are getting stranger and stranger. As the outside world starts to ask what’s happened, Tiana tries to keep the siblings together, even when a teacher comes to call.

Janice Okoh was born, raised and lives in South East London. She has a background in law and worked in the city for 7 years. She has been writing in one form or another since she was 14 years old when she used to dream of becoming a romantic fiction writer.  Her first play was written in 2008 as part of an MA in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia and has yet to be produced. Three Birds is her second full-length theatre play. Janice has had work produced for radio and currently teaches English as a Foreign Language.