Young Everyman Playhouse

Since its launch in 2012 Young Everyman Playhouse (YEP) has provided opportunities for young people aged 14-25, no matter their circumstances. Across six different strands, YEP encourages the young people to see theatre in a new light by asking them to create many exciting experiences for different audiences.

Previous Young Everyman Playhouse members are now applying to drama schools, bidding for funding for their own projects, pressing for work experience among our team and joining with other groups locally and nationally to programme and create work.

There are  six different YEP strands ActorsDirectorsMarketersProducersTechnicians and Writers.



You’ll discover the basics of playwriting and discuss a range of scripts in weekly sessions led by an award-winning professional playwright and regular workshops with industry professionals.

Through practical exercises, readings, feedback and chats, you’ll work on your approach and technique while developing a distinct voice in your writing.

In the second year, you’ll work independently with the aim of completing a new full-length play with one-to-one support from the New Works team.

The programme is completely free and open to anyone aged 18-25 residing in the North West. You will also receive tickets to a selection of shows at both the Everyman and Playhouse theatres.


11:59pm on Monday 26 Aug 2019 with interviews w/c 9 Sep 2019.
Weekly sessions will take place in the evening at the Everyman Theatre, Hope Street (Day TBC).

Published on:
18 Jul 2019


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