WRITING WORKSHOP with HANNAH KHALIL Resident Writer Shakespeare’s Globe

Sat, 1 October 2022, 10:00 – 12:00 BST



This Masterclass is part of the RED WRITES Programme and is Supported by Arts Council England


Hannah is currently writer in residence at the Globe. Her adaptation of Shakespeare and Fletcher’s Henry VIII runs at Shakespeare’s Globe until 21 October 2022. Next her new play Hakawatis – a retelling of 1001 Nights that is definitely not for children opens on 1 December 2022 in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, while her adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s The Fir Tree returns to the main stage at the Globe for families to enjoy this Christmas from 15 – 31 December 2022. Hannah is also a Creative Fellow of the Samuel Beckett Archive for 2021/2022. Hannah was named Heimbold Chair of Irish Studies at Villanova University, Spring 2021.The first anthology of her work Hannah Khalil Plays of Arabic Heritage is published by Methuen (pictured).

Current work includes Myths and Adventures from Ancient Greece, featuring four Greek myths adapted into online puppet shows and brought to life by Peyvand Sadeghian, Ian Nicholson and Sam Wilde (pictured above). They are available on the Watermans Arts Centre YouTube. Other recent work includes Hannah’s adaptation of The Fir Tree which played at Shakespeare’s Globe in December 2021, directed by Michelle Terry, a new play for the students of Central School of Speech and Drama called The Censor or How to Put on a Political Play without being fined arrested and Mrs Scrooge a short interactive festive play is available to watch online now – commissioned by Fly High Stories and produced by Sarah Gain Productions.


Published on:
28 Sep 2022


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