Writers’ HQ sponsorship available

When you apply you can ask for access to a particular course, membership (in six month chunks), a place on one of our writers’ retreats, or a critique of your writing. They read them all in-house and then spend about four weeks arguing over who should get what. In an ideal world everyone would get everything, of course. They’ll let people know if their applications are successful as soon as possible.

They prioritise the following:

  • People who are physically disabled in some way
  • People who are neurodivergent or have a mental illness
  • People from a minority or persecuted community
  • People living in a low income household (typically defined as a household earning under £15,000) and/or in receipt of social security
  • People with a criminal record
  • People who are the primary carer for another human with high needs



Round 1
Application deadline: 30 March 2020
Round 2
Application deadline: 30 June 2020
Round 3
Application deadline 30 September 2020
Round 4
Application deadline 31 December 2



Published on:
5 Mar 2020


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