What’s Blocking You?- YV:IDemystify

Young Vic Theatre- London 

The Clare 

18 Mar 2020
Tickets are FREE, but must be booked in advance. A maximum of 2 tickets can be reserved per person.

YV:IDemystify is a series of free events for theatre makers to promote the sharing of best practice models, help open up new pathways in the industry and aid people in navigating their creative journeys.

Among the many pressures in a creative career, it can sometimes be hard to talk about the difficulties theatre-makers encounter on their paths. Moments where, for whatever reason, work just didn’t quite work the way it was hoped it would. Where pitfalls of comparison, rejection, rumination, or other internal obstacles had to be navigated. This event aims to create a safe environment in which to talk about the bumps in the road and to think through strategies of overcoming them, and re-orienting the thinking about them. To unpack the resilience and survival skills that will help creative practitioners.




Published on:
2 Mar 2020


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