Launched in 2018, the SPILL OPEN is aimed at early makers and artists whose practices may have been overlooked, regardless of age, working in between or across forms, and with something meaningful to say. It offers 10 opportunities for exceptional artists or groups to present work as part of SPILL Festival this Autumn.

The SPILL OPEN is open to artists of any age, based anywhere, undertaking considered formal experimentation and / or investigation through research, that seek to offer some new ways of looking or thinking about the world and how we are in it together. It will support work which is considered and meaningful. They are also keen to hear from people specifically developing new forms tailored to the needs of kids or teenagers.


Applications are welcome from people working with, across or in between:

Activist Actions
Cabaret + Club Arts
Craft + Folk Methods
Experimental Theatre
Film + Video
Heritage + Place
Live Art + Performance
Museum Collections
New Dance
Science + Social Sciences
Sound + Music
Spoken Word
Street Art
Visual Art

Each artist or company selected for the SPILL OPEN will receive support totalling £2000

• A fee of £750
• A contribution towards travel
• Accommodation at the festival
• Per diems
• A package of producing, technical and marketing support
• High quality photographic and video documentation plus inclusion in SPILL TV



12-noon on Monday 24 February 2020.

SPILL 2020 will take place between Wednesday 28th October and Sunday 1st November at venues and sites across Ipswich, England. The SPILL OPEN will be within these dates.





Published on:
21 Jan 2020


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