Submissions Open: Alfred Fagon Award

Award Eligibility and Criteria for Entry

The winning writer will receive £6,000 and excerpts from their winning play will be showcased at the award ceremony.

The competition is open to any playwright of Caribbean or African descent, permanently resident in the UK, for the best original, new stage play in English.  Entrants must confirm on their CV that that they are of African and Caribbean descent.

The play does not need to have been produced.  However, if it has, only plays produced since August 2023 will be considered.

Each entrant can submit only one play. A play may also be nominated by a third party with the writer’s consent (e.g. via an agent).

Plays must be typed, full length and presented as double-spaced, single-sided, in Times New Roman, font 12pt and be a minimum of 40 pages and submitted as a .doc file (Word or PDF).  Manuscripts cannot be altered after entry.

Television, radio plays and film scripts will not be considered.

New as well as established writers are encouraged to enter.

Entrants cannot enter both the Alfred Fagon Award and the Mustapha Matura Award.

Entries are online only and must be received not later than 5pm, Wednesday, 31 July 2024 

Event dates:
31 Jul 2024


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