Script Yorkshire- Free workshop programme for members

Script Yorkshire run at least six workshops a yea for their members, often more, inviting a wide range of fantastic guest professionals along to engage and enlighten in topics including…

• The nuts and bolts of scriptwriting

• Writing for specific genres

• Writing for different media

• Adapting others’ stories for stage or screen

• Presenting your work and getting commissioned

• Working as a script editor or a staff writer


Writing a theatre play with Tom Wells

Saturday 16th May

11am to 4pm 

The National Theatre. The Royal Court. Birmingham Rep. The West Yorkshire Playhouse. Hull Truck. Paines Plough. Any aspiring playwright would give their non-dominant arm to work with those names, right?

So when award-winning writer Tom Wells, who has worked with all of them and more, says he’ll be giving you a series of writing exercises to help you build a plan for a full-length play, you really don’t want to sleep on it. Set your alarm.

Booking window opens 8am on Saturday 2nd May

Screenwriter and director Dave Gilbank

How to put on your own play with Dick Bonham

Saturday 11th July

11am to 4pm 

If you’re a regular at Script Yorkshires Q&A sessions, you’ll have heard our pro-writer panel members say this again and again: Don’t sit and wait for a lucky break. Create your own opportunities. Stage your own work.

If those sentiments scare you and you’ve no idea how you’d even begin to do that, this is the workshop for you! Experienced writer, director and producer Dick Bonham is taking time out from making brilliant theatre to share his knowledge with us. Stop waiting to be chosen. Carpe diem!

Booking window opens 8am on Saturday 27th June

Screenwriter and director Dave Gilbank


  • Numbers are limited to 18 writers per workshop.
  • To apply, you must be a current paid-up member of Script Yorkshire.
  • The booking window opens at 8am on the Saturday two weeks before the workshop date.
  • We take bookings on a first come, first served basis via email:
  • Our workshop co-ordinator sends out a group confirmation email to writers early the following week.
  • If the workshop is full, we’ll add you to the waiting list and let you know if someone drops out.
  • If you’re allocated a place and discover you can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so another writer has the chance to come along.
Published on:
28 Apr 2020


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