Scottish Theatre And…Menopause

Thursday 20th July 2023
10.30am – 4pm
CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts

A light cold lunch and refreshments will be served for all those attending the event. 

According to a study led by the University College London almost half of those experiencing menopause don’t seek medical advice and the majority don’t feel comfortable talking about menopause in their workplaces. 90% of postmenopausal people received no education about it at school.

Join Playwrights’ Studio and Stellar Quines to discuss, explore, listen and share experiences. The event will include a panel discussion to bring together medical expertise, artists’ perspectives and those advocating in this area, with panelists to be announced in the coming weeks.

This event is for anyone working in Scottish Theatre, as a freelancer or for an organisation, whether they have (or will) experience menopause, or are interested in better supporting those who do.


Scottish Theatre And… is a new series of events from Playwrights’ Studio, Scotland that make space for those working in the industry to reflect on its working culture and co-curate provocations for positive change. Look out for more details of future events later in the year.


Playwrights Studio Scotland have a limited number of subsidies of up to £10 to help towards travel costs. These are available for freelancers attending the event from outside of the central belt and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please get in touch via to request a travel bursary.

Published on:
11 Jul 2023


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