Queering the Canon

23 June 2023

12:00 – 4:00pm

​The Barons Court Theatre

​Tickets are free but space is limited. Book early to avoid disappointment.

​This event will be held at the Bhavan Centre, a very short walk from Barons Court Theatre. The closest station is West Kensington (3min) and Barons Court tube (6min).


This D&D Satellite event to asks;

  • What can we be doing to support and amplify non-binary theatre artists?
  • What does a non-binary theatre industry look like?
  • How can we move beyond the binary so that our programming, policies and venues treat genderqueer artists as the standard and not an exception?

​This meeting is open to all non-binary, genderqueer, or other gendered theatre artists.

Cisgender allies can support the meeting by reviewing the reports from the day that will be available online and carrying on the conversation.


Queering the Canon | Barons Court Theatre


Published on:
16 Jun 2023


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