Queer Arts North: Performance Seed Commissions 2022

Queer Arts North (QAN) would like to offer two LGBTQIA+ Artists/Creatives or Companies, a Performance seed commission of £1,000 each to support the development of a new idea.

Ideas submitted for consideration must clearly demonstrate how they would enable the Artist/Creative/Company to develop their practice and fulfill one or more of the following criteria:

  • Explores lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual + (LGBTQIA+) and/or gender themes.
  • Is of interest to an LGBTQIA+ audience.
  • Is created or presented by LGBTQIA+ artists.
  • QAN understands that audiences for queer work are dynamic and developing and are keen to support both early career and established artists and companies. They embrace a wide range of art-forms, cross art-forms and styles including mainstream with a traditional appeal to the innovative and experimental.
  • The idea presented does not need to be solely live performance but should have a performative element or future outcome.
  • The seed commission does not require a formal outcome (i.e a performance) but they would require evidence of the impact of the fund. This could be (but is not limited to) photographs of the creation process, blog posts, a short video or a short evaluation report.



12:00 (noon), Friday 21 October 2022

Shortlisted Artists/Companies will be invited to a short Zoom/telephone conversation week commencing: Monday 31st October 2022

Thursday 10th November 2022 (Homotopia Event)

Queer Arts North is a network of arts organisations strategically supporting LGBTQIA+ arts, artists, organisations, venues and festivals across the North of England. Co-ordinated by Curious Arts, Queer Arts North’s partners are: Andro & Eve, Black Gold Arts, CLAY, Contact, Curious Arts, Happy Valley Pride, Homotopia, Leeds Playhouse, Northern Stage, Trans Creative and Yorkshire



Contact Details

Please direct any questions about this opportunity to: hello@curiousarts.org.uk.

Published on:
12 Oct 2022
Opportunity deadline:
21 Oct 2022


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