Platform Presents- 2023 Playwright’s Prize

Last year, in its fourth year, 1,174 scripts were submitted and Platform Presents partnered with one of the leading live entertainment companies in the world, Ambassador Theatre Group, on the prize re-naming it the Ambassador Theatre Group Playwright’s Prize in association with Platform Presents. Also in 2022 international city media brand Time Out partnered with Platform Presents and Finite Films to announce five new prizes for Runners-Up. Ambassador Theatre Group and Time Out are confirmed to partner again this year.

​The annual prize and fundraiser is co-produced with Finite Films & TV, founded by Amy Gardner, and judged by a high profile group of industry experts. The winner receives £5,000 and mentoring to bring their play to stage and or screen. The five Runners-Up each receive £1,000.

Submissions must be no longer than 10,000 words


12pm, 15th May 2023


2023 Playwright’s Prize | Platform Presents

Published on:
29 Mar 2023
Opportunity deadline:
15 May 2023


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