Nouveau Riche are on the lookout for up and coming Writer-Performers of Colour for a new online competition.

MadTimes Monologues seeks aspiring candidates to submit a short monologue, of approximately 3-5 minutes to be judged by a panel of industry professionals as well as an open public vote. Monologues will be performed and streamed to Nouveau Riche’s social media channels and website.

The winning monologue/performance will be offered a seed commission with Nouveau Riche with an option for further development with our award-winning team and partners.


· Writers must be comfortable performing their monologues to camera.

· Monologues must be original work.

· Writers are encouraged to experiment with style and form and can write based on any subject matter other than Covid-19.

· Writers can only submit one monologue.

· Monologues must last no longer than 5 minutes in duration.

· Writers don’t have to film their monologue on the most expensive camera in the world, but please make sure you are well lit, and clear.

· There is no need for a full body shot writers can perform on a mid-shot (head and shoulders).

· Monologues must be unproduced.

· The decision of the judges will be held along with the decision of the public vote. No individual correspondence will be entered into.

· Writers must be based in the UK

· Monologues must be unpublished.

· Entrants should send a short bio, a short treatment/idea of the larger world of the play or ideas of what a full-length version might look like (more info the better)

· Monologues must be sent via MP4 format



Wednesday 22nd April 2020.

Published on:
14 Apr 2020


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