New Conversations, UK-Egypt creative partnership grants 2023

UK-Egypt artistic partners are invited to apply for funding of up to £7,500 GBP to explore how they can exchange creative ideas, knowledge and practice, and develop new performance work without meeting in person. The fund is open to Egyptian and UK based individual artists, collectives, independent companies and organisations of theatre and dance. Cross art form collaborations are also welcomed.

The fund is open to Egyptian and UK based individual artists, collectives, independent companies and organisations of theatre and dance. Cross art form collaborations are also welcomed.

Applications will be accepted in English and BSL. Video applications are accepted as long as they cover all the information in the application form and are no longer than 8 minutes.

New Conversations, Egypt is delivered by Farnham Maltings and Orient Productions, with support from the British Council Egypt, Arts Council England, and the Fonds de Soutien aux Arts Arabes (FSAA).


15 May 2023 21:59 BST or 23:59 EEST.

Contact Details

Event dates:
4 Apr 2023 -
11 Apr 2023
Opportunity deadline:
15 May 2023


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