Mothers Who Make – Apply for Group Coaching Sessions

The final opportunity for the Mothers Who Make season 2023 produced by The Performers’ Playground with HOME is a FREE block of group coaching sessions for 6 mothers from the network.

The selected group will receive 3 x 2 hour coaching sessions with the fantastic Jana Kennedy from Coaching with Jana.

The coaching will run between September and November with the first meeting at HOME MCR and the following 2 sessions will be online.


  • This opportunity is open to artists from any artform.
  • Must be a regular attendee of Mothers Who Make meetings in Manchester (attended 3 in the past 8 months or have been coming intermittently over the years)
  • Based in Manchester
  • Available for the first meeting in person session Sept 6, 10.30-12.30 taking place at HOME (subsequent 2 meetings will be online dates TBC)
  • In order to create as many opportunities as possible, they ask that you have not been a recipient of commissions for either ‘Test The Waters’, or ‘Mother Earth’ events.


5pm 23rd June 


Mothers Who Make – Apply for Group Coaching Sessions – HOME (



Published on:
13 Jun 2023
Opportunity deadline:
23 Jun 2023


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