Mikron Writers Scheme 2018

The scheme was set up in 2014 to widen the companies pool of writing talent, in order to meet the specific creative demands of their unique, 47-year-old theatre company. Selected writers participated in a 6 week, tailor-made development process, working alongside professional dramaturgs, directors and actors, which resulted in the commissioning, over 3 years, of three new writers. By ‘new’ we mean new to Mikron; the company nurtures relationships with emerging and experienced writers alike.

For 47 years, Mikron has produced musical plays about British movements or institutions, often told from lesser-known perspectives. They
tour to predominantly non-theatre spaces. Music is integral to everything they and is always and only ever live.

12 Oct Application submission deadline
17 Oct Scheme places offered 


Ultimately Mikon are looking for writers who can;

  • Play about with Style
  • Understand Form
  • Be explicitly Theatrical
  • Write gripping plots
  • Undertake extensive Research
  • Understand the Specifics of Mikron

The Scheme

The scheme is unpaid but travel expenses will be covered (equivalent to standard class off-peak return train fare from your home address to Marsden). Participation in the scheme places you on an immediate shortlist for fully paid commission. It also offers an excellent development opportunity, which will be structured as follows:

  • Briefing at Mikron’s base in Marsden, West Yorkshire. This is an opportunity to meet the producer, director and dramaturge to get the low-down on how the company operates and what they’re looking for, as well as an opportunity for you to ask questions. This session will include a master-class with composer/lyricist Jim Woodland, a long-term associate of Mikron. Jim will offer insights into what makes a good lyric, and the function and placement of songs in a Mikron play. As the commissioned writer will eventually work with a composer and musical director, these insights will prove invaluable.
  • You will be set a short task with a two week turnaround. They are highly conscious of keeping the workload reasonable.
  • Written feedback. At this stage they will shortlist the candidates for further development.
  • Shortlisted candidates are set a development task
  • Half-day workshop with actors. This is an opportunity to hear your work out loud, see it on its feet and exploit the theatrical possibilities that actors can unleash.
  • Final exercise to process the workshop’s findings.
  • Final feedback.
  • Commission offer for successful candidates.

For more information on the company, including key dates for the scheme and to apply please go to https://www.mikron.org.uk/new-writers

Published on:
25 Sep 2018


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