Lyceum- Writer in residence call out

The Lyceum is seeking applications from professional writers for children and young people based in Scotland.

The successful applicant will become Writer in Residence for the Lyceum Youth Theatre for seven months from April to October 2020 to respond to the proposition; What would Greta do? This theme was developed in collaboration with members of the Lyceum Youth Theatre taking inspiration from the story of Greta Thunberg and the many young trailblazers who have changed our world for the better.

The Lyceum’s Creative Learning department runs a diverse range of projects within to our lifelong learning programme. This includes school’s workshops, community projects, acting classes for 60+ and Scotland’s largest youth theatre. The Lyceum Youth theatre has 350 members aged between 5-21, This range of ages creates exciting possibilities for creative responses. The department is staffed by individuals who passionately believe in the importance of bringing art and young people together. They will be a valuable resource for a writer as they delve into the possibilities that working with the youth theatre will inspire.

The fellow will have options as to how best to interact with the youth theatre – they could decide to sit in on weekly sessions, attend a holiday course, or watch performances. There is the opportunity to bring work to the youth theatre to be read and experimented with or they might choose to devise directly with the young people. In addition to this, there is the possibility to work alongside the other strands of The Lyceum’s Creative Learning programme.

The successful applicant would be attached to the Lyceum’s Youth Theatre and will also benefit from the full range of The Lyceum’s activities and support including:

  • A £12,000 bursary
  • Complimentary tickets to The Lyceum’s productions
  • Invitation to attend press nights & bespoke networking opportunities
  • Invitation to join The Lyceum Reading Committee (quarterly meeting)
  • Opportunity for one-to-one mentoring sessions with The Lyceum’s artistic team and core staff
  • Attendance at L20 events, The Lyceum’s artist attachment programme that will begin in June


  • The Fellowship is open to writers for children and young people based in Scotland (a travel bursary is available to make this opportunity accessible to writers based anywhere in Scotland).
  • To be eligible for the Fellowship, applicants must have had one professional production of their work staged or broadcast or have had published at least one novel, graphic novel or equivalent work, one collection of short stories or one poetry pamphlet.
  • Writers working in English, Gaelic or Scots may apply.
  • Writers from all creative disciplines who write for children and young people are welcome

Deadline: Sunday 15 March 2020, 5pm
Interviews: Saturday 4 April 2020.
Availability 10am – 4.30pm on Wednesday 8 April would be beneficial to the fellow but is not obligatory.


Published on:
12 Feb 2020


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