IASH/Traverse Creative Fellowship 2022

Applications are now open for playwrights and theatre makers for the IASH/Traverse Creative Fellowship in 2022. The fellowship is a collaboration between IASH (the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, supporting innovative research and public engagement activities across the arts, humanities and social sciences) and the Traverse Theatre, Scotland’s leading New Writing Theatre.

This year, they are providing one Creative Fellowship that commissions, develops and supports an exceptional and innovative playwright in the creation of a new piece of work that speaks to our lives now and into the future.

The stipend for this fellowship is £10,000.

  • This Fellowship is open to writers with an idea or story for an ambitious and entertaining new play that speaks to the urgent issues impacting on our lives now and into the future.
  • This Fellowship will be spread across a 9-month period, giving the writer the time, space and support needed to research and write the play whilst working around other commitments.
  • Each Fellowship will be tailored to the writer’s needs and availability but it is expected that the writer can work at the University on a regular basis – such as two days a week, or two weeks per month for example.
  • Applicants do not need to be based in Edinburgh, but should be able to travel to IASH regularly.
  • The recipient will enjoy a private office at the University, as well as access to the university library and the Institute’s many other resources, including joining the community of other Fellows working at IASH during this time.
  • The recipient will receive dramaturgical support from the Traverse Literary Department, with the expectation that up to two drafts be completed during their residency, with another draft due at some point after the residency finishes (exact timelines to be tailored to needs of the project and Traverse Theatre). There may also be the opportunity for practical development periods working in collaboration with the Traverse artistic team and other creatives as required.
  • The Fellow will be expected to contribute to IASH and Traverse Theatre events as mutually beneficial, giving at least one work-in-progress seminar and/or reading of the work to an invited audience.


Sunday 6 March 2022.


It is currently expected for the university and its facilities to remain open to Fellows in 2022-23, albeit with social distancing and strict COVID safety measures in place. However, if and when the situation changes, we will work with the Fellow to best accommodate them and their needs as restrictions necessitate.


Published on:
7 Feb 2022
Opportunity deadline:
06 Mar 2022


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