Grants and Concessions for 2023 Arvon Courses

Grant funding is now available for residential and online courses running October-December 2023

If you are interested in a course running in the first quarter of 2024, they hope to release further funding in a few months’ time and can accept applications then.

All Arvon grants are awarded on the condition that the successful applicant completes a Grant Report, which will be emailed out within 2 weeks of the course finishing.

If you are a UK resident and cannot afford the full course fee, Arvon encourage you to apply for one of their grants, which are awarded on the basis of financial need – not writing ability.

Priority is given to those coming to Arvon for the first time. You may apply for any amount up to the full course fee. To help  support as many people as possible, please apply only if you’d be unable to attend the course without a grant, and ask for the minimum amount you need.

To apply for a grant, you must first book on a course, and then send in your completed grant application form. Arvon will hold a place for you while they assess your application. You do not need to pay anything to book your place. Payment will only be required if they confirm  your grant application was successful and your grant is less than the full cost of the course.

Grants are only available for those booking a course with tutors, not untutored retreats.  Grants are also not available for  online Masterclasses or Writing Days. They encourage applications from  D/deaf and/or Disabled people, and factor in any additional living/support costs when considering your grant – see here for information about accessibility on Arvon courses.



Concessions are available for both online courses (50%) and residentials (30%). You need to meet certain criteria but do not need to complete an application form.

Please note that you cannot apply for both a Grant and a Concession for the same course.

They also offer a very limited number of free fully subsidised places on online Masterclasses, if you cannot afford the concession rate.


Arvon Grants: The David Pease Fund

Published on:
3 Jul 2023


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