Graeae’s Crips with Chips & Theatre by the Lake: Mistaken Identity

Graeae’s Crips with Chips is an evening of short plays putting Deaf and disabled writers centre-stage.

The next Crips with Chips will take place on Saturday 18 March at Theatre by the lake in Cumbria.

If you identify as Deaf, disabled and/or neurodiverse Graeae and Theatre by the Lake would like to invite you to submit a 10-20 minute play responding to the theme of ‘mistaken identity’. We encourage you to be as inventive in your response as you like.



  • Writers must identify as Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent
  • Writers must be based in the UK or Ireland — no other location-based restrictions apply
  • Plays must be no more than 20 minutes in length — 15 pages is a good but inexact guide for this
  • Plays must require no more than 3 voices/characters
  • Plays must not have been performed elsewhere

Selected writers will receive £500 on the understanding that writers be prepared to redraft their scripts in response to feedback from Graeae and Theatre by the Lake, and attend rehearsals (dates TBD) at Theatre by the Lake in Cumbria as well as the showcase of work on Saturday, 18th March.

In addition to the £500 fee, they will be covering all costs relating to travel, accommodation and access. They will be requesting writers’ access requirements once scripts have been selected.



Midnight on Monday 6 February 2023


Graeae’s Crips with Chips & Theatre by the Lake: Mistaken Identity – Graeae

Published on:
25 Jan 2023
Opportunity deadline:
06 Feb 2023


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