Emergency 23 — call for proposals for CONTACT Manchester

The 23rd Emergency will take place on Saturday 30 September 2023 in its seventh home, Contact, Manchester — combining daytime durational, installation, intervention, and limited capacity work; followed by an evening of short (max 20 min) show-type pieces of work, works-in-progress, or extracts of longer works.

The event’s objectives are to be

• a free to access public micro-festival and open submission platform;
• an opportunity for artists to meet, show, and peer review work;
• a selection event for a number of small Works Ahead commissions to be produced by hÅb.

Artists working in Live Art, contemporary performance, time-based media, and interdisciplinary arts are now invited to submit proposals. Work can be in any relevant artform/medium, though some live presence is desirable.

Emergency 23 will offer an honorarium of £200 per piece selected, to cover fees/expenses.

For artists coming from beyond Greater Manchester they may be able to offer an additional discretionary contribution to travel.

Final selection will be by a panel from hÅb + Contact on the basis of suitability to artistic parameters and technical + logistical feasibility.



Friday 4 August 2023, 5pm

Selected artists will be notified BY Friday 1 September.
There will be a technical meeting either in person at Contact or remotely by video call on Saturday 16 September.
Emergency 23 takes place on Saturday 30 September 2023, Noon-10pm (exact event times tbc).



Published on:
23 Jun 2023
Opportunity deadline:
04 Aug 2023


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