The first meeting will be on 7 July 5-7pm.


During the 17 June session of the East Asian Theatremakers Discussion Group, it was suggested that a writers group be formed, to provide a space for mutual support and sharing of work and ideas.

This is an open invitation to all writers of East Asian/Southeast Asian descent (aspiring, emerging, and experienced) to form the group, and attend the first of hopefully many meetings. Yellow Earth envision that the group will be peer-led and self-structuring.

At the first meeting, they propose, as a starting point, the following points for discussion:

  • establishing a code of conduct, to ensure the space remains safe and productive for all participating writers
  • agreeing to the length, frequency, and structure of meetings
  • planning how the group will be run and maintained

Register HERE.



Published on:
23 Jun 2020


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