Digital dramaturgy with idontloveyouanymore (PUSH Festival 2023)

Thu 9 Feb 2023, 12.00 – 14.00




Award winning art and performance company idontloveyouanymore will be hosting a digital dramaturgy drop-in for artists and makers of all skills and abilities. This will be an opportunity to discuss your own work, their work, or the intricacies and trickeries of working with tech. Whether that’s projection, animation, VR, AR or anything in between. (They love the in-between!)

So if you have any big ideas but you don’t know how to make them happen, if you want to kick-start your technological explorations but don’t know where to begin, or if you just fancy a cuppa with a couple of artists, come along!


Digital Dramaturgy with idontloveyouanymore – HOME (

Published on:
12 Jan 2023


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