Carbon Literacy & Climate Leadership Training

Lowry Studio
10.00am – 6.00pm
Wed 09 August 2023

Spaces are limited and you will need to pay a £10 refundable deposit to take part in the workshop.
(Please note that the £10 deposit will be refunded to the card you paid with within 7 working days after the workshop.)

This training is delivered by Robin Lyons, Artistic Director of one of the UK’s leading climate theatre companies Ergon Theatre. The training itself is intended to establish a baseline understanding amongst participants to create a meaningful, cumulative culture of positive climate action in organisations and amongst freelancers. The training provokes and facilitates discussion amongst participants that is specific to their practice and business, about reducing carbon footprints and environmental impact both in professional and personal spaces.

The training covers the following 4 units

  • The Science: Understanding the science behind climate change, what the impacts are, why action is needed, how quickly action needs to be taken, terminology.
  • Carbon Footprints: Understanding the main areas that contribute to a carbon footprint (professionally and personally), what actions can we take to reduce impact, understanding the relevance of carbon footprints in the context of the business we’re in, terminology.
  • Climate Leadership: Understanding the significance of, and what makes, a climate leader in business – and that anyone can be a climate leader, from new employee to CEO.
  • Empowerment and Mindfulness: An interactive, imaginative session taken from the UK’s leading Climate Theatre company, Ergon Theatre. This exercise places participants in the year 2060 and asks them to adapt a day in 2023 to fit new government sustainability regulations in 2060. This exercise is followed by a session underlining the importance of empowering ourselves and others to take positive action, and to be mindful of looking after our mental health as well as others when taking action.

By the end of the training, learners should collectively and individually feel like they have more tools and are empowered to take further positive action to reduce carbon footprints and environmental impacts. Upon completion of the training, a short learner form will be completed – successful completion will certify learners as Carbon Literate – certification is provided by The Carbon Literacy Project who have to date certified over 65,000 learners and nearly 5,000 organisations including Autotrader, BBC and ITV.

This session is generously supported by Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the GM Artist Hub.


Published on:
24 Jul 2023


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