Calling members of the Neurodivergent Theatre Community

Hiatus are looking to speak to any Actors, Theatre Makers, Performance Artists, Writers, Directors or Producers who consider themselves Neurodiverse.

They feel that there is insufficient knowledge in the performing arts about the topic of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is the understanding and acceptance that our brains are all wired differently. People who are neurodiverse can have specific communication needs, these can sometimes be associated with conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. People who are neurodiverse can face a number of barriers in society.

They define barriers as things which make life easier for people who are neurotypical and harder for people who are neurodivergent.

Here are some examples of barriers experienced by actors, performance artists and creatives who are neurodivergent:

  • not enough accessible information about the theatre or performance environment
  • lack of conversation between theatre organisations and individuals who are neurodivergent about their specific needs
  • complex and unfamiliar vocabulary used in workshops, rehearsal rooms or in performance venues

They want to help improve access to workshops in theatre and performance spaces for people who are neurodiverse- so want to hear about the positive and/or negative experiences that people who are neurodiverse have experienced in theatres and performance spaces.
If you feel you have something to share with us about this topic, then they would love to hear from you!

*All responses will be made confidential and will be used solely for informing the activities of Hiatus Collective theatre access project.

Published on:
10 Nov 2020


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