BBC Essex Playwright of the Year 2018

BBC Radio are looking for a 15 minute fictional radio play with an Essex connection to be recorded later this year for broadcast on BBC Essex. It’s a fantastic opportunity to hear your work on the radio.

The first round will be judged by a panel of BBC Essex staff against the criteria above and a shortlist of 10 entries will then be read and judged by a guest panel of three judges who will decide on the final three winning scripts.

The prize for the three winners will be to have the play recorded to be broadcast on BBC Essex later in the year.

Entries will be judged on

  • Originality
  • Plot
  • Storytelling
  • Suitability for radio listening
  • Local relevance to Essex
  • Creative use of location
  • Writing technique
  • Enjoyment

Submission guidelines

You don’t need any previous writing experience.

All entries need to be an original piece of fiction not previously published or performed.

You can enter on your own or as a group, but you can only enter once.

You need to be over 18 years old and resident in the UK to enter.



Midnight on Friday 1 June 2018.


For the full terms and conditions and how to apply please go to the BBC Essex website




Published on:
15 Mar 2018


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