AMPLIFY by Tangle Theatre. Development programme

AMPLIFY is a talent development programme providing paid mentoring and workplace training opportunities for freelancers at any career stage who are interested in developing technical theatre careers. Since 2018 it has provided 20+ paid placements, building the skills of marginalised creatives, nurturing new leadership and improving sector representation.


AMPLIFY offers paid mentoring and workplace training across 5 areas of practice:



Production Management

Stage Management

Technical Producing & Construction


There are four entry points:

CAPSULE BURSARIES: A ‘capsule’ mentoring session offering one or two hours of time with a selected mentor to start a new process of career development or unlock a specific challenge.

STEP CHANGE BURSARIES: A more structured programme helping to overcome a career step change, with mentoring sessions offered over a longer timeframe.

WORKPLACE EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING: Paid work-based placements on Tangle’s touring shows for alumni who have progressed through stages 1 or 2.

ONGOING SUPPORT THROUGH THE ALUMNI NETWORK: Opportunity for all beneficiaries to join the alumni network, meet peers and industry colleagues through our AMPLIFY COMMUNITY and receive further mentoring and advice when needed.

By devising their own programmes of work, beneficiaries set the pace for their own futures, expanding England’s theatre workforce with a confident presence and a voice. A long-term relationship with Tangle and the AMPLIFY community will further build sector leadership whilst also championing perceptions of off-stage career potential within UK theatre.


Please note: they will next assess applications in late November

Published on:
28 Aug 2022


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