Actors Centre- Online Workshop: Writing your Own Monologue with Lily Bevan

Online Workshop: Writing your Own Monologue with Lily Bevan
5th – 6th October 2020
£30 members / £40 non members 

A short course designed to help you begin to create a unique monologue for performance. Taught by Lily Bevan who has written for many companies including the Globe, Old Vic & The Bush Theatres and co-writing ‘Talking to Strangers’ with Sally Phillips for BBC Radio 4.

Split over two evenings the same group will have two two-hour sessions, and some homework, culminating in a group sharing of some new monologues. From finding unusual characters and points of view, through story, tone and delivery, these workshops will take you through a process to unlock your special inner voices. But not in a scary way. We will create characters which suit you and are engaging and distinct.

The goal of the workshop is to begin to create a new monologue for you to perform, and to be part of a positive group creative process and to give tools to carry on working.

Please be prepared to do some short homework between sessions.

Published on:
24 Sep 2020


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