Nottingham Playhouse

Nottingham Playhouse is looking to commission three East Midlands writers for a new project called Still Life: Untold Stories from Nottingham Now.

Still Life is part of a wider digital programme in spring 2021. Each writer will be paired with a member of Nottingham’s communities, maybe that’s an Amazon delivery driver, a first year doctor or the homeless person who sits outside Greggs on Market Square. Then, using these conversations as a starting point, the writers will pen new 5-7 minute digital dramas (monologue or duologue) that explore the unseen stories of how we live now.

The plays will be shot on location by the Playhouse team, in accordance with social distancing, with professional actors. Each writer will be paid a fee of £1,000.


Wednesday 17 February 2021 at 10am.

They aim to have chosen the writers and begun creative conversations by the end of February.
The writing process will be during March, the films shot and edited in April, and released early May
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission within 2 weeks of the submission

Published on:
8 Feb 2021


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