Royal Court Introduction to Playwrighting Open Submissions!

What is Introduction to Playwriting?

The Royal Court’s Introduction to Playwriting group is a series of six weekly sessions where emerging playwrights work to develop their craft alongside their peers, facilitated by a leading professional playwright. At the end of the sessions, there is an opportunity to submit a first draft for feedback from the Royal Court’s Literary and Artistic team.


Who is it for?

Introduction to Playwriting is an opportunity for early career playwrights with raw talent and big ideas who wish to develop their craft. This may be your first time writing a play, or you may feel stuck as ‘emerging’ in need of the mutual support and structure offered by the group. You won’t yet be a professionally produced playwright.


Will the group teach me how to write a play?

We can’t teach you how to write a play. Introduction to Playwriting is not a course, toolkit or instruction manual, but a group which offers you an insight into the practice of one of our leading playwrights, alongside the structure of six group sessions and a deadline with guaranteed feedback. Introduction to Playwriting is an invitation to write courageously, with the support of the Royal Court and your fellow playwrights.


Who can apply?

Applicants must be aged 18 or over and based in the UK or Ireland.


Are the groups accessible?

We’re committed to ensuring these groups are accessible as possible.

There is no fee to take part in the groups and we passionately encourage playwrights with little or no experience to apply. We can support with access needs, travel to London and other costs of joining a group. We will guarantee to run one group entirely remotely to facilitate writers unable to access the Royal Court on a weekly basis. Interpreters will be available in every session for BSL users.


When will the Intro Groups be?

Places on Introduction to Playwriting will be offered in Autumn 2024 with groups due to begin in early 2025. Each group runs for six weeks, followed by six weeks of writing time prior to a deadline. Sessions are usually in the evening and last 1.5 hours.


How do I apply to the Intro Groups?

To apply, you will be asked to submit the following via our online form:

  1. One scene, written for the stage (up to a maximum of ten pages)
  2. A brief statement detailing what a place on Introduction to Playwriting would mean to your practice (850 characters maximum)

Some important points to note:

  • Please attach your documents in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
  • Your writing sample must be intended for the stage and not for film, television or radio. It should be an original piece of writing, not an adaptation.
  • Your name must be the file name of your writing sample i.e. firstnamesurnamesubmission.doc or firstnamesurnameapplication.pdf
  • Do not include any other attachments or materials (photographs, CVs etc).
  • You can send us an application if you’ve applied before, but please do not apply for this group if you have taken part in an introductory group at the Royal Court.
  • We will not be able to send you feedback on your submission and because of the volume we receive, we can’t accept late applications
  • Once you complete your application, there will be a webpage to notify you of this. You should also receive an acknowledgement email once you have submitted your application – these can sometimes end up in your junk box so please do check there too.


Submissions close: 5PM on Friday 26th July

Find out more and apply: Introduction to Playwriting Groups – Royal Court (

Published on:
16 Jul 2024