Orange Tree Writers Collective

The Collective is an opportunity for a group of playwrights to share skills, techniques and inspirations, and to fire up new conversations and collaborations. It is run by the Orange Tree’s Associate Directors Natasha Rickman and Guy Jones, alongside masterclasses, Q&As and workshops.

Writers will be paid a bursary of £1,000 to take the first steps in developing a new idea for a play. They will have the opportunity to see all of the OT productions, and access to advice and support from the whole of the OT’s artistic and producing teams.

Collective sessions will be on Monday evenings, once a month from September 2023. Sessions will happen in person at the OT in Richmond. There will be a contribution towards travel expenses for writers travelling from outside London.

This project is aimed at writers who have written at least one play that has been produced professionally for a run of a week or more. They don’t mind where that play was produced: a run at the Vaults festival, or at a fringe theatre, or in a regional producing theatre. The show might have been fully funded, or profit share. Unfortunately student work doesn’t qualify for this call out.  The Writers Collective is partly designed to address a gap that many writers have encountered between someone getting their first play on and being commissioned by a theatre for their subsequent work.

The programme aims to equip the participants with the confidence and skills to make their next steps in the industry, to start to write a new play, and to support them to overcome the barriers that they face. It is not an ‘introduction to playwriting’ programme, and aims to put together a group of writers at a similar stage in their career so that the programme may also function as a network of peer support.

They are particularly interested to hear from practitioners who are underrepresented in the Orange Tree’s work at the moment. This includes d/Deaf and disabled writers, those from the Global Majority, and working-class writers.


31st July 2023.

Published on:
25 Jul 2023
Opportunity deadline:
31 Jul 2023


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