The Popelei Seed Commission 2023: The Cash Injection

You can apply for this fund if you are either a woman/non-binary artist OR a Latinx artist (of any gender), OR if you are a small company that is clearly female/NB/Latinx led.

​They have a total of £5000 to allocate. You can apply for up to £500 per show, to spend as you see fit. This is not going to fund any show in its entirety but they hope it may ease the pressure of costs slightly – be it your flyers, travel or food bill. They will also be championing and shouting about our supported shows whilst they’re at the festival, in the continuing spirit of the Popelei community.

Inspired by the brilliant work of NDT Broadgate, they will be using a randomised lottery process in an attempt to keep things simple and remove bias from the selection process.

The Lottery system will have two draws. As the leading Latinx arts organisation in the South West, they will be ring-fencing 50% of the sum in an initial draw for Latinx applicants only, in order to support Latinx representation at the Edinburgh Fringe. The remaining 50% will be drawn between all eligible applicants still remaining (Latinx applicants and/or female/NB applicants).

  • Shows can be any genre
  • Shows must be registered with Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
  • Independent artists/companies only
  • Applicants must be based in the UK
  • You are welcome to apply to up to £500 but if you are able to apply for a smaller sum, it will allow us to support more artists.






Published on:
10 Jul 2023
Opportunity deadline:
19 Jul 2023


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