Royal Exchange Young Company- recruiting Writers, Performers and Makers

Young Company is the Royal Exchange Theatres’, award-winning, resident Company of Young People aged 14 – 21. Providing weekly workshops, production opportunities and free tickets to our main house shows.

Young Company is for anyone who’s interested in performing, directing, design, writing, but also open to those who want a creative space with other like-minded young people. Young Company members will gain in-depth training and practical opportunities so they can develop, create and grow at the heart of a producing theatre.


MAKERS is a year-long programme for ages 16-21 interested in directing, technical theatre, writing or design.

WRITERS is a year-long programme for ages 16-21 interested in writing plays and reading scripts.

PERFORMERS is a year-long course for ages 14-17 and 18-21 interested in performing, acting, working in groups and trying out new styles of theatre.


Everyone who fills in an application form will have a space on a recruitment workshop. Unfortunately if you are unable to attend the recruitment workshop, we won’t be able to consider your application. If you are under 18, please make sure you are completing the form with a parent/guardian, they will need to sign at the end.

Alternatively you can:

  • Audio record or film your answers and send to us (this must be no longer than 10 minutes)
  • Book a slot with a member of the CYP team to answer each question over the phone or in person
  • You can text or phone our Young People Coordinator Ruva on 07496816397 to find out more about these options.

We will be in touch with you to inform you of your recruitment slot time and further information of the session format 1 week before your chosen date, so please make sure you have completed the application form before then.


Our WRITERS RECRUITMENT WORKSHOPS will be on Tuesday 25 July (evening). These sessions will take place here at the Royal Exchange Theatre.

We’ll use this form to find out more about you and why you’d like to join the Young Company. Don’t worry, it isn’t a test, we are most interested in why you want to join and what you want to get out joining the Young Company – please answer as yourself, in your own words and with your own views, not with what you think we want to hear


Young Company | Get Involved | Royal Exchange Theatre


Published on:
13 Jun 2023


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