Classroom – Surviving on a Shoestring Workshop Sign up


 Wednesday 26 April 2023, 12pm – 1.30pm

Captions will be available for this session via Otter AI and Zoom closed captions.

RTYDS are working with Middle Child, Young Vic, Northern Stage, Cardboard Citizens, 20 Stories High and LIFT over a 12-month period on Surviving on a Shoestring, a pilot program which will trial alternative methods of paying artists from low socioeconomic backgrounds, artists who are in receipt of long-term benefits, and artists who are experiencing long-term financial insecurity.

This pilot is aimed at addressing financial inequity in theatre to create the organisational change that help these artists enter into and sustain creative careers in the industry. They’re really keen to give as many creatives and artists as possible the opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences around this subject.

They would love for creative freelancers who identify as a working class, benefit class artist or an artist from a low socioeconomic background to join the conversation.

Classroom – Surviving on a Shoestring Workshop Sign up (

Published on:
5 Apr 2023


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