CRIPtic x Spread the Word – Writers’ Salon for deaf and disabled writers

Mon, 10 October 2022

17:30 – 20:00 BST

Online event

For each salon event, you can book a ticket to the workshop or the reading, or both! If you’d like to be considered for an open mic slot, please book a ticket to the reading event.


The Salon aims to support and promote underrepresented writers and be an inclusive space where deaf and disabled writers can be part of a community, learn, have fun and share their work.

The Salon has workshop by Emily Howlett on ‘Designing accessible and interactive workshops’ followed by a reading and Q&A with Emily Brenchi, and an opportunity for participants to take part in an open mic (five x five mins slots will be available).

The Salon is open to d/Deaf and disabled writers writing in any genre, new or more experienced and is hosted by Jamie Hale.


5.30pm – 6.30pm: Workshop with Emily Howlett

7pm – 8pm: Reading by Emily Brenchi + open mic slots



  • The Salon takes place on Zoom.
  • All Salon sessions will be BSL Interpreted by Michelle Wood and Jemima Hoadley. They will also be auto-captioned.
  • The Salon is a relaxed space. People will be given regular breaks and are able to take additional breaks as needed.
  • Open Mic participants and guest readers will be asked to self-describe when introducing themselves.
  • Any images used at the Salon will be described, and Open Mic participants will be asked to describe any slides or images used in their own work.
  • They cannot guarantee a trigger-free space, and they will request that people participating in the Open Mic slots flag content likely to trigger.

Published on:
6 Sep 2022


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