New Diorama- open to R&D proposals

From Autumn 2022, New Diorama is taking an unprecedented step. They’re ceasing public performances for six months to offer a once-in-a-generation intervention to rejuvenate independent companies, develop bold new work and re-imagine NDT.

They’re looking for independent theatre companies and ensembles inspired by the idea of rejuvenation, who believe a new theatrical movement is possible. Groups that are up for joining with peers in a collective effort, including being generous with their time, insight and creativity.

Those ideas could come from anyone: established companies or lead creatives, be they directors, designers, performers – anyone inspired by this ambition.

They’re not looking for solo work or traditional new writing, but ensemble shows with collaborative, devised values at their heart.


  • Up to £10,000 investment, completely flexible for creative thinking and research time and genuine workshop R&D with no programming pressure (almost unheard of in the UK where ‘R&D’ is usually code for extended rehearsals for committed work).
  • Free access to our theatre & rehearsal spaces with tech/production support whenever needed, including a budget for space out of London where that’s most appropriate.
  • Supported sharings of new ideas in our theatre for an audience of peers, supporters and local community members (not industry pitch presentations or production-ready shows).
  • A residential retreat to collectively think, dream & debate how theatre as a whole – and New Diorama specifically – might need to change, and how it can become more radically meaningful post-pandemic.
  • Artist stipends, supporting attendance at sharings, gatherings & residency.
  • Supported reflection, together, backed by commitment from NDT and partners to resource your next steps and build the new structures needed, promising they’ll have your backs like never before. They’re going dark across all socials, allowing them to support risky work without having to ask artists to package their thinking or ideas immediately for public consumption.


12th August 10:00-11:00am

31st August 6:00-7:00pm

6th September 12:30-1:30pm (co-hosted with Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival)

They’re open for conversations from now until the end of September. If that doesn’t work for you, or what they’re talking about doesn’t quite resonate right now, then don’t worry – they’ll have more opportunities in future.


Read more at–opportunity

Published on:
1 Aug 2022


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