Make Do & Mend 2019 presented by Stellar Quines- for disabled artists

Stellar Quines is an award-winning Scottish theatre company that celebrates the value and diversity of women and girls by making brilliant theatre, provoking change, nurturing artists and empowering participation.

Stellar Quines and Birds of Paradise (BOP) are excited to collaborate on this round of Make Do & Mend. The aim of this collaboration is to create a unique opportunity for artists to create something amazing that they would not otherwise have the chance to develop.

What this is and how this is delivered is entirely up to you. They are open to new ways of working as well as more traditional methods. Crucially, this opportunity should fuel your imagination both thematically but also in the methodology you might employ.

Per proposal there is a maximum fund of £2,000 available (the fund is £8,000 in total). There is also an additional fund of £2,000 to contribute towards access costs across the programme of supported artists.

The bond between a mother and their child is unlike any other – but it is often a complex and tangled relationship. For Make Do & Mend 2019 we are inviting artists to respond to this theme of motherhood and the connections involved. You do not need to be a mother or parent to apply.


  • Make Do & Mend is open to applications from individual artists, companies or collectives be that emergent or mid-career, who identify as any gender.
  • The lead artist(s) must identify as disabled.
  • They do ask that when engaging a creative team, you are mindful of gender balance and reflect our own commitment to working with a minimum of 70% woman identifying participants.


Published on:
18 Dec 2019


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