The 503Five is an 18 month residency that offers writers the opportunity to find their creative home at Theatre503, developing work and experiencing being at the heart of a new writing theatre. This scheme is designed for writers who have already developed their craft to a high standard but are yet to be professionally produced.

This is defined as a full-length play that has been professionally produced for four weeks or more in a subsidised/commercial London venue and/or a major regional or international venue. 

The residency will offer writers a seed commission of £2,000 a series of masterclass workshops, peer to peer support, industry connections, R&D processes, dramaturgical support, and opportunities to have work staged.

Please be aware that although this opportunity is open nationally, 503 is London based and will require all writers to regularly be at Theatre503.



12 midnight on Sunday 24th March 2019

Some expenses will be available for travel and the precise nature of this can be discussed at interview.



Published on:
5 Mar 2019


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