Albany Rebels Commissions- DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Albany London are looking to commission four artists or companies to create something bold, radical and rebellious for their upcoming Rebels Season. The Albany is a performing arts centre with a history stretching back to the nineteenth century. Over the last few years, they have emerged as a new type of arts venue, very much driven by the cultural diversity and creative mix of South East London.

In Spring 2019, the Albany are producing a season of work celebrating rebels; people who shake things up and make positive change, both from throughout their 125 year history as well as now and in the future. It will be a season of disruptive, radical, rebellious work about politics, protest, breaking the mould and celebrating difference. It will feature work across any and all art forms; music, theatre, spoken word, circus, cabaret and of course work that doesn’t fit into those boxes. Events will take place across all three of their sites (the Albany, Deptford Lounge and Canada Water) as well as out in the local community.



Interview date week beginning 29 October 2018

The season will take place from 8th April – 31st May 2019. They can be flexible within these dates about when you can present your work, but if selected we will need you to commit to dates by 30 November 2018.



The Albany are looking for 4 artists, companies or collectives for 4 new commissions, which will be programmed as part of the season:

  • One £3000 commission for an artist or company to create an artistic intervention or disruption for the season. This work should not be for a traditional theatre setting – it could be outdoor, in a community venue, or something else entirely. For this commission we would expect a commitment to additional fundraising, supported by the Albany team.
  • One £1000 seed commission for an artist or company to create an artistic intervention or disruption in Deptford, either in the Albany Studio Theatre, at Deptford Lounge, or elsewhere.
  • One £1000 seed commission for an artist or company to create an artistic intervention or disruption to take place in Canada Water Theatre and Library.
  • One £1000 seed commission for a learning disabled artist or company to create an artistic intervention or disruption at the Albany, supported by the Albany and Mind The Gap, England’s largest learning disabled theatre company. Please see this call-out for more information about the commission for a learning disabled artist
  • The ambition for the season is to connect with and offer a platform to artists to respond to the theme, and create work that is relevant and speaks to our audiences. They are open to interpretation of the meaning of ‘Rebels’ and ‘artistic intervention or disruption’, though ideally we are looking for ideas which connect with the local community in South East London, and explore topics linked to social change. Other work in the season so far explores identity (gender, class, race, sexuality, age, size, disability), feminism, extremism, economics, mental health, the internet, sex work, politicians and global warming, and they are open to expanding on this further.

Commission arrangements

Each artist or company or collective will receive;

  • The aforementioned commission money (£3000 or £1000)
  • Rehearsal space, to be agreed per project dependent on need and availability
  • Producing support from the Albany Creative team.
  • Marketing support from the Albany marketing team; inclusion in all season print and PR, event on the Albany website and social media etc
  • Fundraising support from the Albany team if required (please note the artist will need to lead on this but they are happy to support)
  • Your show, event or intervention programmed as part of the season in Spring 2019, including venue, get-in, and all technical support (within reason)

For more information on how to apply please go to

Published on:
9 Nov 2018


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